About us

Meet our team of passionate tourist guides!

Our guides are not only experts in the history, culture, and traditions of Lisbon but they are also dedicated to providing you with an unforgettable travel experience.

They are knowledgeable, friendly, and approachable, and always ready to answer your questions and share their insider tips.

Each guide has their own unique style and approach, but they all share a love for Lisbon and a passion for sharing its story with visitors.

Get to know our team and see for yourself why our tours are the best way to explore Lisbon!

We are Astrid, Filipe, Leonor and Sofia.

Welcome to Lisboa!

Leonor Abrantes
Leonor Abrantes
Filipe Vitorino
Filipe Vitorino
Sofia Lobão
Sofia Lobão
Astrid Roettgen
Astrid Roettgen