Leonor Abrantes

Leonor Abrantes

I was born and raised in Lisbon and I cannot see myself living in any other city.  I have a Bachelor Degree in Tourism and was licensed National Tourist Guide in 1998. I finished a Degree in History in 2013 and in 2021 a Master Degree in History and Philosophy of Science.  I have been…

Filipe Vitorino

Filipe Vitorino

I was born in Nazaré (100 km north of Lisbon); then I spent  8 years of my childhood in Germany. For several months,  I worked in different countries –  however, today I can hardly imagine myself living elsewhere than in Portugal and more specifically in the capital of Lisbon!  I own a Degree in Tourism…

Sofia Lobão

Sofia Lobão

Olá ! I’m Sofia, I was born in Viseu, Portugal, and I live in Lisbon. As I always loved to travel, doing research and interacting with people I studied Tourism and graduated in 1997 and since then I’ve been working as a Certified Tourist Guide and Tour Manager with people from all over the world….

Astrid Roettgen

Astrid Roettgen

I was born and raised in Germany, but still, being a student, I fell in love with Portugal straightaway. I just knew, it was here I wanted to live. So, in 1993, having finished university, I moved to Portugal definitively. This love proved lasting, as after a perennial stay in Greece, it drew me back…

Castle S. George - Lisbon for beginners

Lisbon for beginners

Lisbon can be a challenge with so many hills and steep streets. In this tour we believe, every effort is worthwhile and the views we will enjoy from two of the most iconic hills are breathtaking. One of such viewpoints is the  S. Pedro de Alcântara Garden, where we will enjoy the lovely view of …

Commerce Square in Lisbon after the earthquake of 1755


The great earthquake of 1755 changed completely the mindset and the mentality of Europe. In the words of Russel Dynes, the ”first modern catastrophe” introduced important changes as far as the political structure in response of a catastrophe is concerned. The “modern” approach in the reconstruction of the city minimizes the risks of a new…