Leonor Abrantes

Leonor Abrantes

I was born and raised in Lisbon and I cannot see myself living in any other city.  I have a Bachelor Degree in Tourism and was licensed National Tourist Guide in 1998. I finished a Degree in History in 2013 and in 2021 a Master Degree in History and Philosophy of Science.  I have been…

Filipe Vitorino

Filipe Vitorino

I was born in Nazaré (100 km north of Lisbon); then I spent  8 years of my childhood in Germany. For several months,  I worked in different countries –  however, today I can hardly imagine myself living elsewhere than in Portugal and more specifically in the capital of Lisbon!  I own a Degree in Tourism…

Sofia Lobão

Sofia Lobão

Olá ! I’m Sofia, I was born in Viseu, Portugal, and I live in Lisbon. As I always loved to travel, doing research and interacting with people I studied Tourism and graduated in 1997 and since then I’ve been working as a Certified Tourist Guide and Tour Manager with people from all over the world….

Astrid Roettgen

Astrid Roettgen

I was born and raised in Germany, but still, being a student, I fell in love with Portugal straightaway. I just knew, it was here I wanted to live. So, in 1993, having finished university, I moved to Portugal definitively. This love proved lasting, as after a perennial stay in Greece, it drew me back…